
Home Remedies For Constipation

Home Remedies For Constipation

Today I will discuss one of the least talked about topics and the home remedies to cure it; Constipation. Normally we tend to discuss all sort of problems and topics but constipation is something which embarrasses the best of us to discuss openly.
First let us see what constipation really is. It is a condition where bowel movements become less frequent and are painful and hard. Keep in mind everyone has a unique body system which includes bowel movements. For some it may be as often as 3 times a day and for some it is as less as twice a week. The symptoms for constipation include straining during the bowel movement, hard stools, feeling of incomplete evacuation more than 25% of the time and fewer than two bowel movements a week. Almost everyone gets constipated at one time or another in their life.
The reasons behind constipation include many things including lack of water intake, less fibre in diet, hardly any physical movement including exercise, overuse of laxatives, colon cancer etc. The causes also include stress, depression and pregnancy. For those who have had constipation know that this is no laughing matter and ignoring it can cause severe consequences. Some of the quick and effective top 10 remedies for constipation are:


1. Lemon

Lemon juice is one of the simplest and most effective remedies for constipation.
  • Squeeze about half a lemon into warm water. Add a pinch of rock or table salt to it. Some honey can also be added for taste.
  • Drink first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Can also be taken in the evening.
  • Continue daily for a few days till you start seeing the results.


2. Fennel

Fennel’s are part of the celery family. Mostly used in the form of a tea, are known for helping with constipation. (Word of caution: There is not enough evidence of its effectiveness against constipation. Fennel’s also have known side effects for people allergic to celery, carrots and similar plants. It also acts like estrogen’s so avoid use if you have any condition which might worsen from estrogens exposure. Harmful for those who have bleeding disorders. To be avoided during pregnancy)
  • Add any form of fennel you using to two cups of water and bring to low boil. Let it brew for 2-3 minutes but not longer. Any herbs or tea can be added for flavour.
  • Strain in a cup. Honey, orange juice, sugar etc can be added for added taste. Let it cool for a few minutes. Drink soon as keeping it for long periods can release its required compounds into the air instead of the digestive system.
  • Simpler method is dry roasting a cup of fennel seeds.
  • Grind and sieve the mixture.
  • Take half teaspoon daily with warm water.


3. Figs

Figs (also known as Injeer) are packed with fibre, whether ripe or dried. They are known as natural laxative.
  • Boil some figs in a glass of milk.
  • Drink it warm at bedtime, daily.


4. Castor Oil

Castor oil is especially known as one of the most effective treatment for constipation despite its horrible taste.
  • Take 1-2 tablespoons of castor oil on an empty stomach in the morning. You can drink lots of water over it to dispel the taste. Having this daily will help immensely in curing constipation.
  • Alternately, you can also have a tablespoon in warm milk at bedtime.
  • Word of caution: Avoid taking too much or overdosing as it may prove harmful. To be avoided during pregnancy.


5. Flax Seeds

Flax Seeds Also known as Alsi are an ancient food now known as the modern miracle. These carry within them one of the biggest nutrients payload. Loaded with fibre, omega 3 and anti-oxidants, they leave the grains way behind in benefits. These are normally used in winters as they help ward of cold so be careful of overusing during warm and hot weather. (Word of caution: Not to be taken during pregnancy, if you have bleeding disorders or high blood pressure)
  • Can be taken raw mixed with the morning cereal.
  • Can also be added to the smoothies.
  • Much simpler alternative is to swallow 2-3 tablespoons of ground flax seeds with warm water in the morning.
  • Another method is to soak a tablespoon in glass of water for a couple of hours. Drink it daily at bedtime.


6. Coffee/Caffeine

Caffeine is known as a natural stimulant for the digestive tract. Having it daily helps with the constipation though having too much may prove to be harmful since it is diuretic (causes frequent urination).
  • Alternately tea or any warm herbal beverage can also help with bowel movement.


7. Spinach

High in fibre, spinach contains natural properties for detoxifying, renewing and rebuilding the intestinal tract.
  • Drinking 100 ml of spinach juice in equal amount of water daily helps in natural detoxification.
  • Adding spinach to your natural diet; either cooked or raw helps too.


8. Banana

Personally I find bananas to be pretty effective for constipation though there is a trick to it. Interesting fact: Eating ripe yellow bananas in moderation with lots of water helps in relieving constipation. On the other hand, if you eat green, unripe bananas, they cause constipation and stop diarrhea.
  • Can also be soaked in milk and eaten while drinking the warm milk.


9. Water

Drink water. Lots and lots of water! Keeping the body hydrated helps in better digestion and bowel movement since insufficient intake of water also causes constipation. A glass of warm water at bedtime and early morning is especially good for digestion.


10. Yogurt

This particular dairy product contains some probiotics which help the good bacteria to stay in the body and helps with the digestive system.
  • A cup of yogurt daily either sweetened, flavoured or raw helps in keeping the intestines clean and softening and discharging of the hard stools.


11. Honey

The natural ingredient containing cure for almost every disease strikes again. Honey is a mild laxative helpful in clearing constipation.
  • Take a couple of teaspoons 2-3 times a day daily.
  • Take with tea.
  • Take it every morning on an empty stomach mixing it in warm water with some lemon juice.

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